Konferenca “Izzivi v prednosečnostnem obdobju” 9. in 10. maj 2019 v angleščini (Ljubljana)

Cilj prednosečnostne oskrbe je izboljšanje rezultatov nosečnosti in zdravja žensk na splošno s preprečevanjem bolezni in obvladovanjem dejavnikov tveganja, ki vplivajo na izid nosečnosti in zdravje prihodnjih generacij. Lepo vabljeni na konferenco “Issues in Preconception health care“, ki je del projekta PrecoNet. Več o projektu: PreconNet in KLIK


Konferenca se bo odvijala 9. in 10. maja 2019 na Zdravstveni fakulteti v Ljubljani. Udeležba na konferenci je brezpačna in z njo pridobite tudi  licenčne točke.

Preliminary program of the International Scientific conference: Issues on preconception care; Ljubljana, Faculty of Health Sciences

Prijave do 1. 4. 2019 na povezavi: http://preco.tamk.fi/how-to-register/

9.maj 2019 Factors affecting reproductive health

8.00-9.00 Registration

9.00 Welcome speeches

9.15 Plenary speech: presentation of Project PreConNet, Anna Mari Aimala & Jouni Tuomi
9.45 Plenary speech: Experiences in building preconception care (PrePreg Network), Ilse Delbaere
10.15 Indictors of good fertility, Nava Rezaeinamini
10.30 Age and conception, Anna Mari Aimala
10.45 Psychotherapy and counselling for couples with fertility problems, Maja Franzl Žvanut
11.00 Environmental factors in preconception health, Elina Botha
11.15 Discussion
11.30 Break with coffee
12.00 Resting and sleeping – impact on reproductive hormones, Marika Mettala & Elina Botha
12.15 Physical activity and preconception care, Mirko Prosen
12.30 BMI and preconception care, Petra Petročnik
12.45 Professional sport activity and fertility,Renata Vauhnik
13.00 Smoking and alcohol as modifiable risk factors influencing fertility, Melanie Brodinger
13.15 Psychosocial concern and preconceptual health, Nava Rezaeinamini
13.30 Vaccination and reproductive health, Mitterdorfer Anita
13.45 Discussion

14.00 Break for lunch (provided)

15.00 Nutrition and preconception care, Jouni Tuomi
15.15 Sexual decisions and preconception health, Ana Polona Mivšek
15.30 Risen levels of autism – possible implications for preconception health?, Neva Gričar
15.45 Medications and preconception health care, Marika Mettala
16.00 Use of folic acid in pregnancy – the Slovenian recommendations, Vesna Fabjan Vodušek
16.15 Radiologists point of view, Nejc Mekiš & Alukić Erna
16.30 teaching about preconception health, Magali de Pauw
16.45 Perinatal care in delivery in patients with Chronic inflammatory bowel disease, Vodušek Fabjan
17.00 Discussion

10.maj 2019 Health promotion for family planning

9.00 Plenary speech: Review of Slovenian national statistics on preconception issues, Barbara Mihevc Ponikvar (NIJZ)
9.30 Plenary speech: Josef Ressel Centre for the Investigation of Early Life Metabolic Programming regarding Dispositions of Obesity, a multi-dimensional study program, Mounie van der Kleyn
10.00 The preconception care in non-invasive methods of infertility treatment, Ana Tikvica Luetic
10.15 Effect of life style and environmental factors on fertility, Jereb Gregor& Mojca Jevšnik
10.30 Maternal nutrition and foetal development, Evgen Benedik

10.45 Discussion11.00 Break with coffee11.30 Role of the midwife in preconception care, Nastja Pavel
11.45 Family planning in Croatia,Deana Švaljug
12.00 Pregnancy planning after the experience of unexpected event in childbirth – midwifery students’ perspective, Tita Stanek Zidarič & Metka Skubic
12.15 Meditation and pre-conceptual health care, Paul Golden
12.30 Fertility of nurses and midwives in connection with the characteristics of their work, Tina Gogova
12.45 Blood glucose levels in preconception period, Tina Kamenšek
13.00 Discussion

13.30 Closing the conference

You can REGISTER HERE: http://preco.tamk.fi/how-to-register/
TILL 1.4.2019




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