5. maj je mednarodno priznan dan za poudarjanje dela babic. ICM tako vsako leto 5. maja prosi svet, da se osredotoči na vlogo babic in babištvo. Tako vsako leto z motivacijskim sloganom pozivajo vse po svetu k dejanjem, s katerimi se promovira babištvo. Mednarodni dan babic #IDM2016 je tako še posebna priložnost za vsako babico, da razmisli tudi o drugih, ki so vključeni v proces dela, da se stroke med seboj povežejo in da se razširi znanje, zakaj so babice pomembne. V letih do #IDM2015 se je uporabljal splošni slogan “Svet potrebuje babice. Danes bolj kot kdajkoli,” da se izpostavi potrebe po babicah.
Letošnji slogan #ICM2016 pa se glasi “Ženske in novorojenčki: Srce babištva.”
Babice po svetu vsak dan težko delajo, da zagotovijo ženskam in novorojenčkom ustrezno kakovostno oskrbo, takšno, ki si jo zaslužijo. Več o #IDM2016 si lahko preberete tukaj.
ICM poziva babice, da pošljejo fotografije sebe z novorojenčkom, žensko, ki jo oskrbujejo, ali se fotografirajo skupaj s sodelavci in tako podprejo svoj dan. Veselijo se fotografije, tweets, Facebooka, blogov, člankov in drugega za 2016 IDM.
Preberi še o dogajanju ob Mednarodnem dnevu babic v Sloveniji, ki ga organizirajo študenti babištva. TUKAJ
International Day of the Midwife – IDM 2016
“May 5 is the internationally recognised day for highlighting the work of midwives. ICM established the idea of the ‘International Day of the Midwife’ following suggestions and discussion among Midwives Associations in the late 1980s, then launched the initiative formally in 1992.
On May 5 each year we ask the world to focus on the role of midwives and midwifery. Each year ICM comes up with a campaign theme to provide motivating call to action for all of us to get involved and champion our work. The International Day of the Midwife is an occasion for every individual midwife to think about the many others in the profession, to make new contacts within and outside midwifery, and to widen the knowledge of what midwives do for the world. In the years leading up to 2015, ICM is using the overarching theme “The World Needs Midwives Today More Than Ever” as part of an ongoing campaign to highlight the need for midwives. This reflects the WHO call for midwives and the need to accelerate progress towards MDGs 4 and 5.”