Spletna stran, ki prevaja vprašanja okoli spolnega in reproduktivnega zdravja in pravicah v več jezikih. Vsebina na tej spletni strani je bila odobrena s strani mednarodnega svetovalnega odbora evropskih strokovnjakov na področju spolnega in reproduktivnega zdravja, vključno s predstavniki WHO.
Website which translates issues around sexual reproductive health and rights in several languages.
Zanzu is created by Sensoa (link is external), the Flemish Expertise Centre for Sexual Health, and BZgA (link is external) (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung), the German Federal Centre for Health Education.
Sensoa is the official partner organization of the Flemish Ministry of Welfare, Public Health and Family and implements the Flemish Government’s policy on sexual health.
BZgA is a specialist authority within the portfolio of the German Federal Ministry of Health. It is responsible for health education and health promotion activities on behalf of the Federal Government. BZgA is also a WHO Europe (link is external) (World Health Organization) collaborating centre for sexual and reproductive health.
The content on this website was approved by an international advisory board of European experts in the field of sexual and reproductive health including representatives of WHO.